They're strong...
They're wise...
They're brave...
They can invent, break, and fix anything!
But women have a skill that men do not...
We can walk, cook, fold laundry, listen, and talk all at the same time. Not only that, but we can carry on up to 5 conversations simultaneously (I guess it's called multi-tasking). This one is amazing: we can talk at a rate that only other women (and only in the rarest of cases, a man) understand.
No one is better at this than my friend Jenna. She has this unbelievable ability to bring a conversation full circle while covering 17 topics in about 10 minutes. I am convinced she could win a speed-speaking contest (do they exist? I should look into it!). Here's the amazing thing; I UNDERSTAND HER! Even when she uses words that aren't real, I know exactly what each word means. It's as if we have our own pseudo-language. No one else begins to grasp what we're saying, but we hear each other perfectly!
This has brought some thoughts to mind about the Trinity:
Rom. 8:26 says that the Spirit intercedes for us by speaking to the Father in words we don't understand. My Bible uses the phrase "wordless groans." The Father and Holy Spirit have their own language that no other person can understand.
God must be the ultimate conversational wizard. He sees and hears EVERYTHING! He's taken multi-tasking to a completely new inhuman level. When women are involved in multiple conversations simultaneously, we really are involved. We are actively participating. It's the same with God; He is not resting...not sleeping...not far away...He is here and He is active.
i love my made up words. and i love that you mentioned them on your site. i feel as if i should make one up right now... hmmm. none are coming to me. (though i did just typr (type) 'none' as 'noen.' ...and as you can see, i just typed 'type' as 'typr.' --wow, i really am good at making up words. i can do it through blog posts as well!)
lastly, steph, i love you. :) and i love how you identified the fact that the Lord is always involved in what is going on in our lives. always. thanks for the reminder!
(*and just for the record 'anotherlongbrake' readers: the author of this post can give me a good run for my money when it comes to talking fast. (but that's only cause we were made from the same mold. --but that's for a different time...!) maybe we should look into that speed-speaking contest, wonder who'd win??!)
Steph...yay! I'm so glad you have a blog! I'm looking forward to reading it. I can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip!
Oh, and I love "actively participating " in conversations with you, too! :)
Okay, so sorry about the deleted comments. That would be my doing. I was having problems...what's new?? Haha.
Stephanie! I don't even know how I got to your website (blog hopping, as usual), but I am so glad that I did.
It is wonderful to see you looking so happy. Keep posting so I can hear all about your life.
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