I didn't really notice it about myself until college. My roommate put up with it for years...still does as a matter of fact. Apparently this unquenchable deisre to be right crosses the boundaries of phone lines and email. She was compassionate with me and let me give the last word much more often than she should have.
This summer I met a girl with the same disease.
It is true that the things that bother you the most about someone else are usually the same things that describe you as well. On a 8 day road trip, I lost the final say to Erin more times than I can count. It took me about 2 hours to realize that I wasn't going to win much, so I tried to bite my lip. I'm not speaking figuratively; there were bite marks. By the third day, I couldn't hold it in any longer; I had to be heard! Even when I exploded out my definitive statements, she'd come back at me with more. This girl was not going to give in. Consequently, my life was completely altered as a result of this trip. Sounds overly dramatic, but very true.
Having the last word is not limited to topics of which I am knowledgeable. I have an extremely embarrassing habit of talking about things I am utterly ignorant about, but acting as though I've written the book on the topic.
For instance, I may be able to convince you that I know multitudes about photography and that I'm quite talented.

The one with the actual knowledge then has options:
1. show compassion to the ignoramous and let it slide 2. quietly and kindly correct the inaccuracies of the ignoramous 3. loudly and proudly correct the enormous mistakes of the ignoramous while showing off own skills
sidenote: the photo scenario has not happened between my brother and I, but he would have chosen option 1
How many times does this same type of situation have to occur for me to SHUT UP!?
Your beauty should be that of your inner self, the unfadig beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in god's sight. I Pet 3:5
A fool's mouth lashes out with pride--------The tongue has the power of life and death------Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity---------Do not exalt yourself in the king's presence