I'm getting headshots taken this week, thanks to my professional actress/model friend Lauren. The assignment was to get pictures of 10 emotions and expressions that we have to imitate in our own photos. Almost all of the photos I've chosen are of Idina Menzel. Not only does she take tremendous photos, but there are so many things that I think are phenominal about her: talent as an actress, voice (oh my word), the way she presents herself during interviews, etc.

I want to live her life- she was in WICKED for crying out loud! She has a Tony. She lives in NEW YORK CITY. She gets to wake up every day and do something with extreme passion.
The closest I can come to being Idina Menzel is to mimic her expression in photographs. That's probably all right. Here's where I shoot myself in the foot: wanting to emulate her has made me an idolator.
Today I want to be an attractive, talented, and successful performer. If I could be those three things, I would be happy.....that thought runs through my head constantly. It's seemingly harmless, but when I think that, oh I don't know, about 47 times every day what I'm really saying is that I need something other than salvation and grace to feel content and complete. So now I've identified the problem; solving it is another story.
Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.....I always connect that with thoughts that are hyper-sinful; things like jealousy, anger, resentment...I didn't realized that it has to do with thoughts that are in some respects innocent. This means that every time I evaluate and scrutinize my appearance today wishing I looked differently, I should be taking that thought captive. It's going to be a long day.
I'm still reading :) it's the beauty of Bloglines--I don't have to check every day; I wait five months until Bloglines FINALLY tells me you've updated!
love this post. if there's anything I've been learning over the last few months, it's that idolatry is a whole lot more pervasive in my heart than I realized--we so over-simplify it sometimes and therefore believe it's not a struggle for us.
love you!
Yaaaaaaay Stephanie! Wooooo! You're back! I'm so happy. I will always be dedicated to your blog...even if I don't have anything else to do. :)
I'm so glad to see you're still alive! I know you're probably much busier than some of us who post more frequently, but its not quantity right, its quality. Love you girl! I love your post about Manhattan also!
Hi Stephanie. i check back from time to time and am glad to see that you are back online!
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