You may remember back to the month of April during your senior year of high school. By this point everyone you knew well, were acquainted with, or just saw on the street for the first time was asking you these questions: 1. Are you excited about graduation?2. Where are you going to college?3. What will your major be?
Hearing these ten times was somewhat exhausting, and by the 30th I was ready to pull my hair out. My roommate in college had the idea to possibly tattoo those three answers to her forehead, except that she really didn't have answers to the latter questions for awhile. I hadn't wanted to return to life where 50% of my conversations centered around these questions, but it in fact has happened. Now they are slightly altered:
1. Are you excited about moving?2. Where are you moving?3. What will your job be?
I know that people have the best intentions, so it's not frustrating to cover this topic 9 times a day (on average of course!). It is however, quite exhausting; especially when I didn't have any kind of answers. Today things are on the move! Here is the most recent information:
** It's down to four cities in four different states- Wilmington, NC...Charleston, SC...Savannah, GA...Jacksonville, FL (all cities on the coast! Of course you'll all want to visit us!)
** We're now trying to do some church searching. I've found two in Wilmington that look GREAT! I'm going to keep researching in the other three cities
**Once we've picked a city, we're planning to make a trip down in the beginning of June to find an apartment.
**Our BIG MOVE will hopfully be in the last two weeks of July
**Jobs: Andria is looking to intern for Young Life. I recently declined a job in Indiana, which was difficult because I don't have anything else lined up. BUT there was an immense peace that flooded me when I made the decision. It was an administrative assistant position; I was encouraged to be offered the job without a degree or experience in business. I'll be pursuing the same kind of jobs in the city we choose.
**We are inviting any friends who feel like moving south to join in our adventure! Pray it over; it's gonna be a crazy ride! Also, if you are needing a new place to live in Fort Wayne, Parker is renting her five bedroom house. It's in a great area of the Fort, so maybe that's a possibility for you!
The moment I think I'm being so adventurous and becoming a daredevil, I realize that at this moment my brother is in Europe by himself hiking, hitch-hiking, hopefully eating, and ALL BY HIMSELF! I'll be so relieved when June 16 is here and Josh comes home! Keep him safe, please LORD!