I don't normally stop at this particular gas station; it was chosen by default considering my gas light had been on for almost 20 minutes (I know you're thinking, "Stephanie- you live life on teh edge!"). I did however frequent this station during high school and college. I remember when raising that precious needle from empty to full would cost less than $20, and that was when I drove a Ford Explorer! Last night I paid $35 to fill my tiny little Civic with only 12 gallons of gas...oh I remember when...
As I got back into my car with all 12 gallons and no cash, I considered my options:
1. I could walk to my destinations (this would mean getting up at midnight to start my day)
2. I could try to carpool with people (almost plausible)
3. Public Transportation (hold on-we're in Fort Wayne, so that means you see a cab about once a year. As for buses, I don't think they make a route to the boondocks of DeKalb County)
This experience confirms, yet again, that New York City is the most wonderful place in the world. Are the residents of Manhattan complaining about gas prices? OF COURSE NOT! Not to mention, every day you get a chance to ride in the CashCab! I HEART NYC

NYC Is the best place in the world! I couldn't agree more!
Time to update lady. I know you're a busy teacher and all, but you never return your calls, and your blog is the only way I can check on you on company time!
yes NYC is soooooo cool my sister went there
hi again i love watching cashcab everyday i can. also i love having music with you. you are the best music teacher ever. i know are class has been wild we were alday and we got in trouble. anyways i am glad that you werent in american idol because you would not be our music teacher.
love,allison :)
i ment to say allday
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