My journey with Rent started there and continued...
* Summer 1999- I would sing the entire score word for word with Korban (being good Christians AND recent BCS graduates, we omitted the profanity).
*Fall 1999- My roommate Nicole and I would perform selected songs for IWU guests.
*Winter 1999- We took a road trip to Bloomington and finally lived the dream. We saw Rent live on stage (We being Tonya, Nicole, Korban, myself, and some guy whose name escapes me now- obviously a lifelong friend).
*Sometime 2002- Amy and I would sync up our discmans and listen to Rent simultaneously, thinking we were the coolest (apparently we couldn't afford a headphone jack splitter).
*November 2005- The film opens in Fort Wayne; Stephanie and I are among the first to see it.
*February 2006- The DVD is released; I of course watch it in its entirety, along with the special features (a 4 1/2 hour experience)
Of course I am drawn to Rent because of the music; it ignites this unbelievable passion inside the listener. There's more though; I'm drawn to the relationships in the story. More than anything else, Rent is a story about relation

4 very different, very deep, and at times very devastating relationships...
Roger and Mimi-Each trying to fill in the holes left in the other; selfishness interrupts, then selflessness overcomes