Thursday, February 09, 2006


I'm making a giant life decision tomorrow. In all honesty I made it a week ago, but those it affects will learn of it tomorrow. It's scary, exciting, stressful and peaceful....what a dichotomy!
I am personally keeping Higher Grounds in business (this is not the life decision I made). I go there now to do many things I could do at home, but somehow the addition of a vasto skinny coconut mocha makes me more productive. Yesterday I was listening to a friend talk of her latest life decision...going away to college. Change has always curled my toes, and not usually in a good way. We had an epiphany: without God, change would send us into mental institutions! Praise the LORD for His omnipresence!

On the wall of the coffee house, the black marker board read this:
The only way to cope with change is to help create it.

...Just one more reason to justify daily trips for coffee


Amy said...

what a teaser! are you leaving the wonderful world of molding young minds...or leaving indiana...?? i can't handle the suspense!

Anonymous said...

So what's the big life-changing decision?? Come on, don't keep us in suspense!!!!

Anonymous said...

May coffee shops always remain in business for us to go enjoy the company of good friends and a good cup of chai or perhaps a skinny coconut something-or-nother. Sorry, I'm still working on the lingo...