It's amazing that the moment I started to ask God if I needed to change jobs, He started to bring opportunities my way. In reality, He didn't have to do this. He could have said, "Steph, leave the job you're at. I'm not going to show you anything else to pursue for awhile, so you'll just have to trust Me." How immensely hard would that have been?! This is not to say I have another job ready to go; quite the contrary. For being in such a state of limbo, I feel 'surreal-ly' content.
I hadn't thought about John 15:5 in awhile. EricHall used talked about it all through December; but alas, it is February. Change isn't something I gravitate towards. I usually find something that works and stay with it well after it doesn't work anymore. God is taking me out of the normal and into what I now deem as the 'void'. BUT He promises fruit if I remain in Him. Sounds like a plan!
a side note...God calls you "Steph"?!?! that is surprising to me :)
Steph - you have more company on this "change" journey than you can possibly know. Why can't life always be easy and preditable?
Stephanie Longbrake!!.. when did you fall off the face of the earth? I miss you, girl! I better be hearing from you soon! You know the email address! It hasn't changed!
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